
Wapp Quick Reference

1.0 Application Template

package require wapp
proc wapp-page-XXXXX {} {
  wapp-trim {
    # Content to deliver for page XXXXX
proc wapp-default {} {
  wapp-trim {
    # Content for all other pages
wapp-start $argv

2.0 Interfaces

wapp-start $argv Starts up the Wapp application
wapp-subst {TEXT} Append TEXT to the output with substitution
wapp-trim {TEXT} Like wapp-subst but also removes left-margin whitespace
wapp-param NAME DEFAULT Return value of parameter NAME
wapp-set-param NAME VALUE Set parameter NAME to VALUE
wapp-param-exists NAME True if parameter NAME exists
wapp-param-list GLOB Return parameter names matching GLOB
wapp-allow-xorigin-params Allow GET and POST parameters for cross-origin requests
wapp-mimetype MIMETYPE Set the reply mimetype
wapp-reply-code CODE Set the HTTP reply code
wapp-redirect TARGET Redirect to TARGET
wapp-reset Reset the output back to an empty string
wapp-set-cookie NAME VALUE Set cookie NAME to have VALUE
wapp-clear-cookie NAME Delete cookie NAME
wapp-cache-control CONTROL Set caching behavior of current page
wapp-content-security-policy POLICY Set the CSP for the current page
wapp-debug-env Return a text description of the Wapp environment
wapp {TEXT} Append TEXT without substitution
wapp-unsafe TEXT Append TEXT that contains nothing that needs to be escaped
wapp-crash-handler Invoked by Wapp, if it exists, when a TCL error occurs

3.0 CGI Parameters (More detail)

BASE_URL URL for the Wapp script without a method
CONTENT Raw (unparsed) POST content
CONTENT_LENGTH Number of bytes of raw, unparsed POST content
CONTENT_TYPE Mimetype of the POST content
DOCUMENT_ROOT Directory that is the root of the webserver content tree
HTTP_COOKIE Raw, unparsed cookies
HTTP_HOST Hostname to which this request was sent
HTTP_USER_AGENT Name of client program that sent current request
HTTPS Exists and has value "on" if the request is TLS encrypted
PATH_HEAD First element of PATH_INFO. Determines request handler
PATH_INFO URL path beyond the application script name
REMOTE_ADDR IP address of the client
REMOTE_PORT TCP port of the client
SAME_ORIGIN True if this request is from the same origin
SCRIPT_FILENAME Full pathname of the Wapp application script
SCRIPT_NAME Prefix of PATH_INFO that identifies the application script
SELF_URL URL of this request without PATH_TAIL
SERVER_ADDR IP address of the webserver sending an SCGI request
WAPP_MODE One of "cgi", "scgi", "remote-scgi", "server", or "local"

4.0 URL Parsing

Assuming "env.tcl" is the name of the Wapp application script:

        \_________/\___________/\__________/ \__________/
             |           |          |             |

\______________________________/ \_/ \_____/
               |                  |     |
            BASE_URL         PATH_HEAD  `-- PATH_TAIL

\__________________________________/         \__________/
               |                                  |
            SELF_URL                         QUERY_STRING


5.0 Substitutions In wapp-subst and wapp-trim

%html(EXPR) Escape EXPR for display as HTML
%url(EXPR) Escape EXPR for use as a URL
%qp(EXPR) Escape EXPR for use as a URL query parameter
%string(EXPR) Escape EXPR for use as a JSON string
%unsafe(EXPR) Render EXPR exacatly - no escaping

If EXPR contains a ")" character, then use these forms instead:

%html%(EXPR)% Escape EXPR for display as HTML
%url%(EXPR)% Escape EXPR for use as a URL
%qp%(EXPR)% Escape EXPR for use as a URL query parameter
%string%(EXPR)% Escape EXPR for use as a JSON string
%unsafe%(EXPR)% Render EXPR exacatly - no escaping