
Fix request target parsing

Fix request target parsing

(1) By Oleg (oleg4tcltk) on 2020-06-08 13:05:03


'?' char can be in query string(according to rfc3986), so splitting by '?' isn't correct, imho. The patch below fix this and also do uri path check against more wide symbol set(allowed by rfc).

--- a/wapp.tcl
+++ b/wapp.tcl
@@ -577,15 +577,15 @@ proc wappInt-parse-header {chan} {
     error "unsupported request method: \"[dict get $W REQUEST_METHOD]\""
   set uri [lindex $req 1]
-  set split_uri [split $uri ?]
-  set uri0 [lindex $split_uri 0]
-  if {![regexp {^/[-.a-z0-9_/]*$} $uri0]} {
-    error "invalid request uri: \"$uri0\""
+  if {![regexp {^([^?#]+)(?:\?([^#]*))?$} $uri all uri_path uri_query]} {
+    error "invalid request uri: \"$uri\""
-  dict set W REQUEST_URI $uri0
-  dict set W PATH_INFO $uri0
-  set uri1 [lindex $split_uri 1]
-  dict set W QUERY_STRING $uri1
+  if {![regexp {^/[-.A-Za-z0-9_~/%!$&'()*+,;=:@]*$} $uri_path]} {
+    error "invalid request uri path: \"$uri_path\""
+  }
+  dict set W REQUEST_URI $uri_path
+  dict set W PATH_INFO $uri_path
+  dict set W QUERY_STRING $uri_query
   set n [llength $hdr]
   for {set i 1} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
     set x [lindex $hdr $i]