Here is a "Hello, World!" web application written using Wapp:
#!/usr/bin/tclsh package require wapp proc wapp-default {} { wapp-subst {<h1>Hello, World!</h1>\n} } wapp-start $argv
To run this application using the built-in web-server, store the code above in a file (here we use the name "hello.tcl") and do:
tclsh hello.tcl
To run the app using the built-in web-server bound to all TCP addresses and listening on port 8080, use:
tclsh hello.tcl --server 8080
To run the app as an SCGI server listening on port 9001:
tclsh hello.tcl --scgi 9001
To run the application as CGI, make the hello.tcl file executable and move it into the appropriate directory of the web server.